FS 2004 Hangar


Dornier Seastar by Mike Stone 

Download file sseastar.zip (517k)


Bluegrass Repaint by Luke bgan021 Download pms_dornier_bga.ZIP (93k)




DHC-3 Otter PZL by Eugene Heyart

Get it at www.avsim.com www.flightsim.com www.simviation.com www.surclaro.com


Download the BGA repaint  by Luke bgan021  (721k)


Grumman Goose by Mike Stone (415k)

Blugrass Repaint by Rick Connolly bgam015 (839k)


Grumman Goose Panel by Aeroswine Research (741k)





Mike Stone’s Boeing 314 Clipper (568k) (shown with Yankee Clipper textures)


PanAmPacific Clipper textures by Wayne Tudor and Dale Deluca are available at www.avsim.com  filename is paab314.zip (1.2 mb)

PanAm Yankee Clipper textures by Wayne Tudor and Dale Deluca are available at www.avsim.com filename is paa_yc.zip (1.3 mb)

BOAC  Boeing 314 textures by Wayne Tudor and Dale Deluca are available at www.avsim.com filename is boacb314.zip (1.2 mb)

Panel by Ken Mitchell is at www.avsim.com  filename is b314km_panel.zip (9.9 mb)

If you are using this panel, get the FSAviator flight dynamics from www.calclassic.com/b314.htm


If you aren’t using Ken Mitchell’s panel get the updated B-314 flight dynamics by Bob Chicilo is file is b314up.zip (39k) available at www.flightsim.com

Sound for Boeing 314 (3 mb)  if not happy with DC-3 sound


Get all set up and visit the PanAm Clipper Feature Page

In September 2007, there will be a PanAm Pacific Routes feature.





Mike Stones FS 9PBY 5-A (855k)


Bluegrass repaint by Paul van den Berg (3.6 mb)

(Includes Panel and Sound)





Steven Grant’s DHC-2 Beaver Float and Wheeled Versions.

Download from www.avsim.com  (Get files dhc2_04w.zip and dhc2f_v2.zip)

Bluegrass repaint by Coleman Green  1.8 mb



Bluegrass Textures for the Super Otter

Modified panel and aircraft.cfg included


You can download the Super Otter from avsim.com and flightsim.com


FS 2004 Beaver Panel Update (11k)

You will need the FS2002 panel.  Adds gps,map,radio stack, Nav/Gps switches and the new Daytron Timer


Additional Gauge Folder.   (1.2MB)

Contains the Beaver gauges.   Unzips  into a new Gauges/Addl folder to keep add on gauges seperate.