Bluegrass Airlines

Flight Reports

October 2009


Newest reports on top



Posted 31-October

bgan071, William Lockwood, KMIA-MUHA, 90, 583.47, DC-3, Flown VFR with real weather at 4,500 feet.  Visual approach and landing to runway 06.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KMDW- KCMI, 86.01, 1119.2, Beech D-18s, gray and rainy weather theam long time since logged any D-18 time, forgot how to use the old lear autopilot was chaseing it all over the sky for awhile!


bgan002, Joe Weber, CYYZ-KJFK, 87, 907.78, DC-6B,


bgad061, Ian Hedrick, YSDU-YSSY, 96, 21.85, DC3,


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KPTK - KMDW, 88.06, 1117.77, DC-3, real,weather,updated  rainy miserable Ifr night,leaving pontiac for chigago cieling at 800FT 20Knt NE winds. landed 4R was to turbulent to serve refreshments.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, VTVG - ZZRQ, 195, 2446.13, C-47A, This is a Hump flight Able 5


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, MPTO-Tijuana, 528, 3678.57, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Giarara[es I-MPTO, 570, 3669.77, l1049g,


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, LGAV - LTBA, 133, 364.87, PBY-5A, Just conyinuing my Europe tour. Want to finish before the GAAR2010 starts


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBMA-KDCA, 42, 581.97, DC-3, KBMA visual approach and landing to runway 360, folowed by an ILS to runway 32, followed by an ILS full stop to runway 01  at KDCA.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, ZZON - VTRS, 324, 2442.88, C-47A, This is the hump flight Able 4


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, saez-scel, 246, 3323.23, Avron Lanastrian, Buenos Aries-Santiago


bgak077, David Kingsley, KCDC to KSLC, 80, 576.93, EMB-120ER,


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KNEW-KBFM, 50, 1401.77, Convair 440, New orleans to Mobile Brookley Field,  landed visual rwy 14.


bgan002, Joe Weber, KPNL-KJFK, 35, 906.33, CV-240,


bgan076, Lou Ross, KLEX-KJFK, 218, 19.78, L049,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, saez-scel, 195, 3319.13, Airspeed Ambassador, Buenos Aires Argentina-Santiago Chile  846 gal


bgan071, William Lockwood, KEWR-KBMA, 78, 581.27, DC-3, Flown VFR at 4,500 feet.  Visual approach to runway 30.


bgak077, David Kingsley, LFLL to EDDL, 60, 575.6, CRJ-200,


bgak077, David Kingsley, LEBL to EHAM, 130, 574.6, Boeing 737-300,


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, VEJT - VERU, 100, 2437.48, Curtiss C-46A, 2ed leg of Able 3 bHump flight.  Had bad weather and had to land after sunset with no rwy lights. 


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, ZZA1 - VEJT, 289, 2435.82, Curtiss C-46A, First leg of Hump flight Able 3, ran low on fuel so landed at VEJT instead of VERU


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, ZZRQ - VECA, 239, 2431, Curtiss C-46A, Hump Flight


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, VTPW - ZZA1, 247, 2427.02, C-47, This is a Hump flight Able 2


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, 22EA - PHNL, 1208, 2422.9, Boeing 314A, Thi was a test flight for my modified Pilot\\\'s Boeing 314A. Modified the panel some.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KIAD - KLGA, 107, 2402.77, DC-3, This is leg 4 of 4 of Eastern Flight 532 modified to fly in Golden Wings and radio range


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KFTY - KIAD, 202, 2400.98, DC-3, This is leg 3 of 4 of Eastern Flight 532 modified to fly in Golden Wings and radio range


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KTPA - KFTY, 179, 2397.62, DC-3, This is leg 2 of 4 of Eastern Flight 532 modified to fly in Golden Wings and radio range


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KOPF - KTPA, 99, 2394.63, DC-3, This is leg 1 of 4 of Eastern Flight 532 modified to fly in Golden Wings and radio range


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EGKB-EHAM, 136, 1326.38, FOKKER II, FOM KLM 1920 Route Biggin Hill to Amsterdam.


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KSPS-KCBM, 90, 1400.93, T-37B, FL210, real wx, landed ILS rwy 13C.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, m97-kmbo, 46, 3315.88, Beech King Air C90B_XP, Tunica MS (now KUTA) to Madison MS  53 gal


bgan076, Lou Ross, DET-CHI, 95, 16.15, Boeing B40,


bgan076, Lou Ross, CLE-DET, 54, 14.57, Boeing B40,


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, LFML - LGAV, 361, 362.65, PBY -5A, Never saw so many small islands. The Agean is full of them




bgad039, Laurie Cooper, ORMM-OBBL, 140, 1324.12, DC-3, FOM KLM 1940 Route Basra to Bahrain


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, ORBI-ORMM, 122, 1321.78, DC-3, FOM KLM 1940 Route Baghdad to Basra


bgan076, Lou Ross, KLGA-KPHL, 69, 13.67, Fokker FVIIb-3,


bgan076, Lou Ross, KALB-KLGA, 74, 12.52, Fokker FXII, Had several pax with bad head colds so cruised low and descended at 250fpm to prevent ear pressure build up.  They all appreciated the gum that our stew passed out.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KPWM-KALB, 92, 11.28, Fokker FXII,


bgan041, Bill Cox, 29CN-KLVK, 49, 625.98, Q100, IFR @ 6000\\\', Dubey to Livermore, CA


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLVK-29CN, 48, 625.17, Q100 (Kodiak), IFR @ 5000\\\', Livermore to Dubey (Georgetown), CA


bgan041, Bill Cox, 8S1-KLVK, 180, 624.37, C510, IFR @ FL280, Polson, MT to Livermore, CA


bgan041, Bill Cox, S34-8S1, 38, 621.37, PA28, VFR @ 9500\\\', Plains to Polson, MT


bgan071, William Lockwood, KLAS-KENV, 132, 579.97, DC-3, Flown IFR in real weather at 15,000 feet.  Visual approach and landing to runway 30.


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, LFST - LFML, 129, 356.63, PBY-5A, Hate to leave Strasbourg but have to mush on. The 2010 GAAR is coming up and I want to be down under before it begins.


bgam007, Allan Lowson, HAAB-HADC, 150, 1531.43, DHC-6,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, SCEL-SAEZ, 230, 1528.93, Avro Type 691,


bgam007, Allan Lowson, SAEZ-SCEL, 210, 1525.1, Avro Type 691,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LLBG-ORBI, 230, 1319.75, DC-3, FOM KLM 1940 Route Lydd to Baghdad, 2211# Fuel. Not alot of Lighting on RWY 15R, only the Vasi until you get to the threshold.(FSX)


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ksdl-m97, 228, 3315.12, Beech King Air C90B_XP, Scottsdale AZ - Tunica MS  M97 in FS9 is now KUTA  298 gal


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, El Tepual-C Joblin Intl, 648, 3660.27, l1049g,


bgad035, Sid Knapp, WAPP-WASK, 140, 423.7, DC3, BGAD 4911. Mostly over water this flight. Good weather throughout, sunny and little wind.


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, EPBC - LFST, 258, 354.48, PBY -5A, Do they ever have clear sunny days in Europe ?? Have to TO and land in the soup almost everywhere I go


bgan076, Lou Ross, KBGR-KPWM, 64, 9.75, Fokker FXII,


bgad022, Gayngel van den Ing, YSSY-YPPH, 404, 1887.25, DC6, BGAD901


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KLSV-KHIF, 84.54, 1116.29, P 38L Lightning, real weather,updated   departed Nellis and quickly climped to 13500ft have 27-30Knt crosswinds causeing some bumps even up here other than that flight was great, landing at HILL AFB was hot as the active was with a rear quartering wind.



Posted 24th-October

bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kteb-klwb, 96, 3311.32, Embraer Phenom 100, Terboro NJ-Lewisburg WV 194 gal


bgan071, William Lockwood, SRF-KMFR, 138, 577.77, DC-3, Flown IFR with real weather at 10,000 feet.  ILS 14 approach and landing.  Takeoff was from the old Hamilton Air Force Base.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KMLT-KBGR, 37, 8.68, Fokker FXII, Continuation of Flight KPQI-KBGR.  See above flight for details.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KPQI-KBGR, 69, 8.07, Fokker FXII, Picked up too much ice KPQI-KMRL (East Millinocket).  Had to land due to falling airspeed and engines were slowly losing power. Engines to idle on short final and engines quit as we taxied off the runway due to carb icing.  Will continue to KBGR when condiitons improve.


bgan076, Lou Ross, CYQB-KPQI, 91, 6.92, Fokker FXII,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EGPK-EHAM, 138, 1315.92, Convair CV-240, FOM KLM 1950 Route Glasgow to Amsterdam, 1923# Fuel.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TNCA-TNCC, 38, 1313.62, Douglas DC-6, FOM KLM 1940 Route Aruba to Curacao, 333# Fuel


bgan071, William Lockwood, CYNM-CYGL, 108, 575.47, DC-3, Flown VFR at 5,500 feet.  Visual approach and landing to runway 13.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KBOS-KBGR, 100, 5.4, Fokker FVIIb-3,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, SKBQ-TNCA, 118, 1312.98, Douglas DC-5, FOM KLM 1940 Route Baranquilla-Aruba,1266# Fuel.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KMVY-KBOS, 49, 3.73, Fokker FVIIb-3,


bgan076, Lou Ross, KACK-KMVY, 28, 2.92, Fokker FVIIb-3,


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KVPS-KSPS, 148, 1399.43, T-37B, Flew at FL220, real wx, landed ILS rwy 33L.


bgan076, Lou Ross, KHYA-KACK, 30, 2.45, Fokker FVIIb-3,


bgan076, Lou Ross, KBOS-KHYA, 47, 1.95, Fokker FVIIb-3,


bgad011, Ed Burke, EFHF - EHAM, 349, 2953.5, C208 Amphibian , Helsinki to Amsterdam at 9000\\\' to keep above the Cu\\\'s.  A following breeze most of the way.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, WAWS-WAMW, 42, 1311.02, Shorts 360,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, WAWM-WAWS, 33, 1310.32, MAULE M7,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, WAWT-WAWM, 31, 1309.77, MAULE M7,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, WAAA-WAWT, 63, 1309.25, DC-3,


bgan076, Lou Ross, EHAM-EGKB, 70, 1.17, Fokker F2, First flight with BGA. Good wx, a little scruffy east of ING.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KPIT-KPHL, 90, 573.67, DC-3, Flown VFR at 7,500 feet.  Visual approach and landing to runway 08.


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, KCMO - KNIP, 57, 350.18, SBD-2, Test flight on one of my old carrier planes. Hope to have an operational carrier one of these days


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, CC Santa-El Tepual I, 306, 3649.47, l1049g,


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KEYW-KOCF, 80, 1396.97, M404, Flew at 8500 ft, real wx, landed visual rwy 36.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KTEX-8S1, 152, 618.82, C510, IFR @ FL280, Telluride, CO To Polson, MT


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, MROC-SKBQ, 218, 1308.2, Douglas DC-5, FOM KLM 1940 Route San Jose to Baranquilla, 1816# Fuel. Nice view of the Panama Canal en-route.


bgan071, William Lockwood, 3N0-KOMA-KOFF, 24, 571.27, DC-3, Tough and Go at Eppley airport runway 14, followed by a full stop at Offutt AFB runway 12.


bgan071, William Lockwood, LGAV-LGSR, 54, 572.17, DC-3, Flown VFR at 3,500 feet.  Visual approach and landing to runway 34.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KMTJ-KTEX, 45, 616.28, C206, VFR @ 13500\\\' Montrose to Telluride, CO


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, WSSS-WIII, 128, 1304.57, Lockheed L1049, FOM KLM 1957 Route Singapore to Jakarta. 4923# Fuel.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, GOOY-Belem, 516, 3627.77, l1049g,


bgan041, Bill Cox, 8S1-KGPI, 49, 619.63, PA28, VFR-IFR @ 8000\\\', Polson to Glaicer Park International, MT


bgan071, William Lockwood, CYBM-CYXU, 48, 570.87, DC-3, Flown VFR at 4,500 feet.  Visual approach and landing to runway 32.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Hato Intl- CC Santa, 438, 3644.37, L1049G,


bgan041, Bill Cox, KGPI-S34, 66, 620.73, PA28, VFR @ 10500\\\', Glacier Park Int. to Plains, MT


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klwb-kteb, 70, 3309.72, Embraer Phenom 100, Lewisburg WV - Teterboro NJ  146 gal FL230


bgan041, Bill Cox, KANK-KMTJ, 88, 615.53, C206, VFR @ 12500\\\', Salida to Montrose, CO


bgan041, Bill Cox, KTEX-KANK, 62, 614.07, C206, VFR Telluride to Salida, CO @ 13500\\\'


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Belem-Hato Intl, 558, 3637.07, L1049G,


bgak078, Kenneth Manwell, KPAF-KTAF, 55, 256.82, Mooney Bravo,



Posted 19th-October

bgad017, John Lawler, ORBS-ORMM, 134, 2242.3, DC-3, VFR FL55  - follow the coast. Fuel used 194usg


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, VTBD-WSSS, 204, 1302.43, Lockheed L1049, FOM KLM 1957 Route Bangkok-Singapore, 10033# fuel


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, HUHA-KMIA, 82, 1299.03, Douglas DC-6, FOM KLM 1062 Route Havana-Miami, 2463# Fuel.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, MKJP-MUHA, 155, 1297.67, Douglas DC-6, FOM KLM 1962 Route Kingston-Havana


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kvgt-ksdl, 58, 3308.55, Beech King Air C90B_XP, N Las Vegas NV to Scottsdale AZ  FL180  175 gal


BGAK015, David R. Evans, CFP8-CFQ5, 66.57, 1114.88, Piper PA-18, real weather,updated  flying out of Cousin Field ,Yellowknife with medical supplies for an injured hunter at Silver City, cut his leg with an axe. ground fog Visability less than 2 miles,at 3000FT found a space betwwen the fog and cloud base made it look like a supper hiway bettwen the mountain peaks on each side.continued following the map and valleys to Silver City one of the hunting party is a doctor who promptly stiched up the leg and gave a shot of antibiotics,said he would be o.k. until an otter will arrive when the Fog lifts.


bgak078, Kenneth Manwell, KLNA-KFMY, 55, 255.9, Mooney Bravo, RWW- Cool, lt clouds, winds 345@20. Bumpy ride!


bgak078, Kenneth Manwell, KLNA-KFMY, 55, 255.9, Mooney Bravo, RWW- Cool, lt clouds, winds 345@20. Bumpy ride!


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KGRF- KAHC, 104.74, 1113.76, P38L Lockheed, stormy weather


bgan071, William Lockwood, LCNC-LLBG, 90, 570.07, DC-3, Flown VFR at 3,500 feet.  Real weather. Visual approach and landing to runway 30.


bgak078, Kenneth Manwell, KEYW-KLNA, 72, 254.98, Mooney Bravo, Doing some flights close to home.


bgan071, William Lockwood, CYUG-CYBN, 108, 568.57, DC-3, Flown VFR at 4,500 feet.  Visual approach and landing to the Northwest runway.


bgan002, Joe Weber, KUNV-KJFK, 68, 905.75, Maring 2-0-2,


bgan070, Allen Peterson, KSEA to KCOE, 59, 204.93, Phenom 100, zoom, zoom


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klwb-kpwk, 109, 3307.58, Beech C90B_XP, Lewisburg WV - Chicago IL FL240 140 Gal


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klwb-kpwk, 92, 3305.77, Embraer Phenom 100, Lewisburg WV - Chicago IL FL390  170 gal


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, klwb-kpwk, 106, 3304.23, Embraer Phenom 100, Lewisburg WV-Chicago FL240  213 gal


bgak078, Kenneth Manwell, KFMY-KEYW, 60, 253.78, Mooney Bravo,


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, UKBB - EPBC, 178, 349.23, PBY -  5A, TO in heavy fog as usual then night caught me prior


BGAN063, C R (Bud) Lane, UKBB - EPBC, 178, 349.23, PBY -  5A, TO in heavy fog as usual then night caught me prior


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KJFK, 138, 566.77, DC-3, Flown VFR at 4,500 feet.  ILS 31R approach and landing.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KBTL-KMTC, 30.53, 1112.01, Lockheed P80, fair weather, flight in another new down load,have flown the T-33 so found a release of the P80 shooting star that looked right,rate of climb good ,landed at 100Knts,smooth as glass sure it can be slowed more but pleanty of room at Selfridge.



Posted 17th-October

bgan002, Joe Weber, KJFK-KBOS, 49, 904.62, CV-240, Beta Test Idlewild Airport by Tom Gibson


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PAED- PAEI, 69.29, 1111.5, Douglas Boston MK.3, real weather,  early morning shakedown flight of newly down loaded light bomber for try out for GAAR10, slightly faster than DC-3 , handles quicker, yet very stable. flight weather was good ,slight head wind,ceiling 4500Ft broken,visability over 20 miles


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TNCA-MKJP, 154, 1295.08, Douglas DC-6, FOM KLM 1962 Route Aruba to Kingston, 4780# Fuel, Visual RWY 12


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TNCC-TNCA, 39, 1292.52, Douglas DC-6, FOM KLM 1962 Route Curacao to Aruba. 1014# Fuel,ILS RWY 11


bgak078, Kenneth Manwell, 2I0-KPAH, 44, 252.78, Lockheed L-10A,


bgak078, Kenneth Manwell, KOWB-2I0, 17, 252.05, Lockheed L-10A,


bgak078, Kenneth Manwell, KLOU-KOWB, 47, 251.77, Lockheed L-10A,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KEWR-KAVP, 54, 564.47, DC-3, ADF only.  NDB runway 04 approach and landing.


bgan070, Allen Peterson, EHAM - EHRD - EBBR - LFPB, 252, 203.95, Fokker FII, Amsterdam to Paris


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, new Ibadan-GOOY, 258, 3619.17, L1049G,


bgak078, Kenneth Manwell, KLEU-KLEX, 27, 250.27, Lockheed L-10A,


bgak078, Kenneth Manwell, KLEX-KDWU, 43, 250.98, Lockheed L-10A,


bgak011, Coleman Green, MRCC-MROC, 0, 1701.6, 47,


bgak011, Coleman Green, MROC-MNMG, 69, 1702.75, Cessna 206,


bgak011, Coleman Green, MPTO-MRCC, 88, 1701.6, Cessna 206,


bgak011, Coleman Green, SKCL-MPTO, 152, 1700.13, Cessna 206,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, 4 February -New Ibadan, 330, 3614.87, l1049g,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PABT to PASC, 63, 1.8, DC-3, Load of passengers and freight for Deadhorse,Ak.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kpvu-kvgt, 88, 3302.47, Beech King Air C90B_XP, Provo UT-N Las Vegas NV


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, WSM/PABT, 23, 0.75, DHC-3 Super Otter, Weather was a lot better today :)


bgan002, Joe Weber, KJFK-KDCA, 70, 903.8, DC-6B, Beta Test Tom Gibsons Idlewild Scenery


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, CAPETOWN-4 FEBRUARY, 360, 3609.37, L1049G,


BGAK083, Richard Peabody, PAPB/WSM, 22, 0.37, DHC-2 Beaver, Weather not all that good, normal for Alaska.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KLGA - KOPF, 395, 2392.98, Douglas DC-3, This is the July Feature flown in Golden Wings and Radio Range Airways.  KLGA was used instead of KJFK and KOPF was used instead of KMIA.


bgan071, William Lockwood, WIII-WSSS, 126, 563.57, L-1049G, October 2009 FOM.  Jakarta to Singapore.  KLM livery.


bgak029, Patrick Daley, CYLW-CYYC, 108, 760.08, DC-3,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KBGR, 18, 561.47, DC-5, First flight in DC-5.  ILS 33 approach and landing.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, skbq-mroc, 155, 3301, DC-4, Baranquilla Columbia - San Jose Costa Rica  Oct Feature KLM


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, BEIRA-CAPETOWN, 276, 3603.37, L1049G,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, tnca-skbq, 87, 3298.42, DC-4, Aruba-Baranquilla Columbia  KLM


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, tncc-tnca, 42, 3296.97, DC-4, Curacao-Aruba KLM


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, PAFG-PAAK, 105, 42.95, DC-3,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ormm-obbl, 128, 3296.27, DC-3 KLM, Basra-Bahrain


bgan071, William Lockwood, EHAM-EGPK, 156, 561.17, DC-3, October 2009 FOM, Amsterdam to Glasgow route.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, PANT-PAYA, 322, 1937.87, C-172, Distance 439nm + Whatever Exploration Was Conducted


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, orbs-prmm, 98, 3294.13, DC-3 KLM, Baghdad-Basra


bgas058, Allen Gale, KJZI - KHXD, 60, 48.3, Maule,



Posted 12-October

bgad017, John Lawler, ORBS-ORMM, 113, 2240.07, DC-3, IFR FL50 via ZY, ST


bgad017, John Lawler, LLBG-ORBS, 203, 2238.18, DC-3, KLM flight. VFR following the pipeline road.


bgak033, Tom Burrill, KIWI-KBGR, 49, 1069.83, DC3, Pilotage practice from Wiscasset to Bangor which prove to be interesting. Made it there ok.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, MOI-BEIRA, 216, 3598.77, L1049G,


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, VRMM-MOI, 474, 3595.17, L1049G,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kfsm-kpvu, 255, 3292.5, Beech King Air C90B_XP, Fort Smith AR - Provo UT 333 gal


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, kapf-kfsm, 217, 3288.25, Beech King Air C90B_XP, Naples FL-Fort Smith AR  289 gal


bgan071, William Lockwood, SKBQ-MROC, 210, 558.57, DC-4, October 2009 FOM, Baranquilla to San Jose.  Flown IFR,real weather at 16,000 feet. KLM livery.


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EGMC-LFOB, 69, 1014.97, DC3, VFR flight on FSvintageAir server


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, PADU-PAFG, 37, 41.2, DC-3, FS9


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KMTC - KFFO, 39.3, 1110.36, P 38L Lightning, real weather,updated  night flight in a new bird ,have flown the P38 in CFS1 and CFS3 so was familar with panel and controls,set cruise at 4500Ft. and 250Mph and watched the lights of citys go by,one course adjustment an found the becon ,crossed the field at2800 made a breake an entered pattern for 5L visual approuch.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, 22EA - PHNL, 1208, 2386.4, Boeing 314A, This was a flight from Treasure Island CA to The Pan Am Terminal at Honololulu HI


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KORD-KBOS, 281, 1932.5, Beech Baron 58, Distance 756nm


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, PASY-ATU, 18, 40.58, DC-3,


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, PAMK-PASY, 92, 40.28, DC-3,


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KBOS-KORD, 329, 1927.82, Beech Baron 58, Distance 753nm


bgan071, William Lockwood, TNCA-SKBQ, 120, 555.07, DC-3, October 2009 FOM, Aruba to Baranquilla.  KLM livery.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KNJK-CYVR, 37.46, 1109.71, Boeing 377, real weather,updated   Charter flight ,plane load of passengers going to Vancover for a hockey game. nice day to fly scattered cumulls cruised at 4000ft over the channels an bays, great scenery for the passengers with visability 50 miles+.


bgan071, William Lockwood, TNCC-TNCA, 36, 553.07, DC-4, October 2009 FOM, Curaca to Aruba.


bgan002, Joe Weber, KMKE-KYIP, 64, 902.63, CV-340, VATASIM


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TNCA-TNCC, 321, 1291.87, Douglas DC-6, FOM KLM 1962 Route Aruba-Curacao 880# Fuel Burn


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, MKJP-TNCA, 125, 1286.52, Douglas DC-6, FOM KLM 1962 Route Kingston-Aruba 4675# Fuel Burn


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, MUHA-MKJP, 132, 1284.43, Douglas DC-6, FOM KLM 1962 Route Havana to Kingston 4767# Fuel Burn


BGAK015, David R. Evans, KNJK - KEPW, 62.75, 1109.08, T-34C Mentor,


bgan071, William Lockwood, KGNB-KCEZ, 90, 552.47, DC-3, Flying VFR through the Rocky Mountains.  Great scenery.


bgan041, Bill Cox, KARM-KTEX, 245, 613.03, C510, IFR @ FL380, Wharton, TX to Telluride, CO


bgan041, Bill Cox, KLWB-KARM, 247, 608.95, C510, IFR @ FL360, Lewisburg, WV to Wharton, TX


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, ZZRQ - VECA, 239, 2366.27, Curtiss C-46A, This was a return flight from China to India over the Hump


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, llbg-orbs, 174, 3284.63, DC-3, Lydd-Baghdad Oct Feature  276 gal


bgan070, Allen Peterson, EGKB to EHAM, 117, 199.75, DH-16, London to Amsterdam


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KGDV-KPIR, 183, 1922.33, C-172, Distance 251nm



Posted 09-October

bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGR-KAUG, 36, 550.97, DC-3, 2 ship formation flight.  It was a lot harder than I orignally thought it would be. Visual approach to runway 17.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KMLE-KMLE, 24, 550.37, DC-3, NDB 12 Approach and landing.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, KMIA-MUHA, 95, 1282.23, Douglas DC-6, FOM KLM 1962 Route Miami-Havana 3050# Fuel Burn.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, lybe-lgav, 245, 3281.73, Fokker FXII, Belgrade - Athens  Oct Feature


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KLBX-KTPL, 123, 1919.28, C-172, Distance 159nm


bgan071, William Lockwood, ORMM-OBBI, 114, 549.97, DC-3, October 2009 FOM. Lydd-Bahrain Route.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Colombo-VRMM, 120, 3587.27, L1049G,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, 3n6-karw, 145, 3275.95, Beech King Air C90B_XP, Old Bridge NJ - Beaufort SC  183 gal  note KARW used to be 73J (still is in FS9)


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, karw-kapf, 102, 3277.65, Beech King Air C90B_XP, Beaufort SC - Naples FL 116 gal


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, VTRH - ZZRQ, 153, 2362.28, Douglas C-47, This is a WWII \\\"Hump\\\" flight


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KMDW - KEWR, 189, 2359.73, Douglas DC-7, This is leg 3 of United flight 738 about 1955.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KSEA - KMDW, 343, 2356.58, Douglas DC-7, This is leg 2 of United flight 738 about 1955.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KPDX - KSEW, 160, 2350.87, Douglas DC-7, This is leg 1 of United flight 738 about 1955.


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, KLUK - KJHW, 206, 2348.2, Cessna 172, Just a low and slow flight


bgan005, Bob Beckelhimer, ZZRQ - VECA, 188, 2344.77, C-46A, This is a \\\"Hump\\\" Flight.  Going to fly a lot of these.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KNQA-KMQY, 65, 1917.23, Beech Baron 58, Distance 167nm


bgan071, William Lockwood, ORBS-ORMM, 108, 548.07, DC-3, October 2009 FOM.  Lydd-Bahrein Route.


bgad035, Sid Knapp, WAMT-WAPP, 105, 421.37, DC, BGAD4910.


bgad035, Sid Knapp, WAMM-WAMT, 70, 419.62, DC3, BGAD4909.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, lhbp-lybe, 102, 3273.53, Fokker FXII, Budapest-Belgrade  Oct Feature


bgak033, Tom Burrill, ZZA1-ZZRQ, 158, 1069.02, DC3,


bgan047, Paul Mensch, EHRD-EGMC, 74, 1013.82, DC3, VFR FLIGHT


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, Sultan Iskandarm-Colombo, 246, 3585.27, L1049G,


bgan040, Dan George, KHYI  KJFX, 205, 637.38, Beech BE-60 Duke, Returning home from the in search of the perfect beer tour.  San Marcos TX to Jasper AL.  50kt tailwind resulted in nearly 260kt tas heading east.


bgan021, Luke, KJFK-KSUU, 171, 582.12, C5A, .SWR.


bgan021, Luke, VTCC-VGZR, 106, 579.27, 747-SP, .VGSY.CI14.


bgan071, William Lockwood, EHAM-LIRF, 168, 546.27, Lockheed L-049, October 2009 FOM, Amsterdam to Rome leg.  KLM livery.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, lkpr=lhbp, 137, 3271.83, Fokker FXII, Prague - Budapest  Oct Feature


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, eddp-lkpr, 64, 3269.55, Fokker FXII, Halle/Leipzig - Prague  Oct Feature


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, eddp-lkpr, 64, 3268.48, Fokker FXII, Halle/Leipzig - Prague  Oct Featur


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, eham-eddp, 146, 3267.42, Fokker FXII, Amsterdam-Halle/Leipzig Germany  Oct Feature


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, WSSS-VTBD, 207, 1280.65, Lockheed L1049, FOM KLM 1957 Route Singapore to Bangkok


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, WIII-WSSS, 136, 1277.2, Lockheed L1O49, FOM KLM 1957 Route Jakarta-Singapore


bgak029, Patrick Daley, CYVR-CYLW, 92, 758.28, DC-3, Stop at CYDC


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, WSSS-Sultan Iskandar, 168, 3581.17, L1049G,


bgas046, Bill Hendrix, KADW-KVPS, 105, 1395.63, F/A-18E, Flew at FL320, real wx, landed ILS rwy 19.


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ekch-ejms, 22, 3264.98, Fokker FVIIA, Copenhagen-Malmo Swededn  Oct Feature


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, eddh-ekch, 92, 3264.62, fokker FVIIA, Hamburg-Coppenhagen Oct Feature


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, eham-eddh, 117, 3263.08, Fokker FVIIA, Amsterdam-Hamburg Oct Feature


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ehrd-eham, 22, 3261.13, Fokker FVIIA, Rotterdam-Amsterdam  Oct Feature


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LIRF-HECA, 317, 1274.93, Lockheed L049A, FOM KLM Route 1950 Rome to Cairo


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, YPDN-WSSS, 504, 3578.37, L1049G,



Posted 4-October

bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EHAM-LIRF, 195, 1269.65, Lockheed L049A, FOM KLM 1950 Route Amsterdam to Rome


bgan070, Allen Peterson, EIDW - EGGD -EGKB, 145, 197.8, DH-86B,


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, krme-3n6, 58, 3260.77, Beech King Air C90B_XP, Rome NY - Old Bridge NJ  59 gal


BGAK015, David R. Evans, PAKP - PABT, 53.2, 1108.04, DC-3, real weather,updated   Got into the pass,now to get the goonie bird out,loaded with furs,native carvings,empty fuel oil drums,decided to pump out the left and right fuel tanks to 40% full and put the fuel back into the AvGas drums left there. used all the RW and cleared the ridge ,gained speed as went further down the valley then turned an headed back. overcat at 4000,kept climbing till 9000Ft. still Ifr,quartering head wind of16-20Knts over the mountains made a rough ride,and at PABT moderate snow\\\\rain mix with 7 miles visability. RW was slick just got stopped at far end with enough room to turn.


bgan071, William Lockwood, EHRD-EHAM-EDDH-EKCH-ESMS, 210, 541.57, DC-3, October 2009 FOM. Rotterdam-Malmo Route.


bgan071, William Lockwood, EHAM-EDDP, 114, 543.47, DC-3, FOM October 2009, Amsterdam-Halle/Leipzib.  KLM livery.


bgas031, Gary McCarty, KBT0-KBT0, 226, 12134.57, PA34, KASD.


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, TNCC-MROC, 313, 1264.17, Douglas DC-5, FOM 1939 KLM Route.Stops at-TNCA-SKBQ -Antillies-Aruba-Columbia-Costa Rica.


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, PADK-PAMK, 72, 38.75, DC-3,


bgas070, Brett Holcomb, PAAK-PADK, 42, 37.55, DC-3,


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EHAM-EGKB, 128, 1258.95, FOKKER II, FOM KLM 1920 Route


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KJFK-KBGR, 277, 1916.15, C-172, Distance 448


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, LSZR-EHAM, 96, 1256.82, Fokker F-50, FOM Charter St Gallen-Amsterdam


bgad039, Laurie Cooper, EHAM-LSZR, 90, 1255.22, Fokker F-50, FOM October 09 Charter Amsterdam -St Gallen.


bgan071, William Lockwood, EHAM-EHRD-EBBR-LFPB, 126, 538.07, DC-3, Oct 2009 FOM. Amsterdam-Paris Route.  Flown in a KLM DC-3.


BGAK015, David R. Evans, CYXY - CZFA, 59, 1107.15, Dhc-3 PZL, real weather,updated   evening flight north with a group of hunters ,excellent weather.


bgak013, Edward Brunelle, KJFK-KBGR, 281, 1911.53, C-172, Distance 448nm


Posted 02-October

bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ebbr-lfpb, 89, 3259.8, Fokker FII, Brussels - Paris Feature of the Month


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, ehrd-ebbr, 39, 3258.32, Fokker FII, Rotterdam-Brussels Feature of the Month


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, eham-ehrd, 18, 3257.67, Fokker FII, Amsterdam-Rotterdam Feature of the Month


bgas001, Bill Von Sennet, eggr-eham, 118, 3257.37, de Havilland DH-16, London-Amsterdam  Feature of the Month


bgan041, Bill Cox, KIAG, 129, 604.83, KLWB, IFR @ 16000\\\', Niagara Falls, NY to Lewisburg, WV


bgan041, Bill Cox, KIAG-KIAG, 42, 602.68, SR22, VFR @ 2500 over Niagara Falls


bgan071, William Lockwood, EHAM-EGCR, 114, 535.97, DC-3, Flown VFR at 4,500 feeet.  Visual approach and landing to runway 35. KLM livery.


bgan040, Dan George, KHOB  KHYI, 130, 633.97, Beech BE-60 Duke, Flight from Hobbs NM to San Marcos TX.  In search of the perfect beer tour.  Bad thunderstorms over Austin TX but otherwise uneventful.


BGAD056, Darryl Starick, YMML-YPDN, 336, 3569.97, L1049G,


BGAN058, Simon Dix, KLGA-KPIT, 114, 156.18, Martin 2-0-2, Flight TWA469 from 1951 timetable


bgak078, Kenneth Manwell, VTSR-VTBD, 116, 249.82, Cessna 337,


bgak078, Kenneth Manwell, VTBD-VTSR, 120, 247.88, Cessna 337,


bgad035, Sid Knapp, WAMG-WAMM, 58, 418.45, DC3, BGAD 4908. Three flights today with great weather. What wind there was, was behind us.


bgad035, Sid Knapp, WAMP-WAMG, 75, 417.48, DC3, BGAD 4907.


bgad035, Sid Knapp, WAWT-WAMP, 50, 416.23, DC3, BGAD 4906. Continuing Dutch East Indies schedules. Changed aircraft to DC3. Great weather around here today, almost CAVOK.


bgan071, William Lockwood, KBGM-KBUF, 60, 534.07, DC-3, VFR at 4,500 feet. Visual 05 approach and landing.