Bluegrass Airlines


April Newsletter 2003


Northern Division Report

Capt Bob sent me a report and I deleted it from my mail. L   However I did print it first J

BGAN009  Brantley Tillery  4 hours

BGAN033  Don Hulick  10.50 hours

BGAN034  Perry Hayward  0.45 hours  (Bangor Hub)

BGAN035 Gene Ward  8.25 hours

Total time by Division pilots:  23.20 hours


bgas005 Kevin Johnson  6.45 hours

bgas030 Tim Pinkawa  21.19 hours

bgas031 Gary McCarty  20.85 hours

Total by Visiting pilots 48.49 hours    Total time in the Northern Division  71.69 hours.


Alaska Division Report

1.  In accordance with operational requirements of Bluegrass Airlines Divisions, the following is a
summary of flight activity within the Alaska Division during the month of March 2003.

BGAK001  Coleman Green    53.15 hrs (Alaska Div)
  (career total: 782.36 hrs)

BGAK008  George Rothfuss    11.80 hrs (Alaska Div)
  (career total: 122.53 hrs)

BGAK014  Tony Brown    45.48 hrs (Alaska Div)
  (career total: 236.10 hrs)

BGAK017  David Bowen    69.40 hrs (Alaska Div)
  (career total: 310.10 hrs)

BGAK018  Rick Jasonis    62.17 hrs (Alaska Div)
  (career total: 239.77 hrs)
BGAK023  Michael Hubschman   93.85 hrs (Alaska Div)
  (career total: 111.10 hrs)

BGAK028  Brent Brazeel    73.41 hrs (Alaska Div)
  (career total: 122.35 hrs)

BGAK029  Patrick Daley    51.55 hrs (Alaska Div)
  (career total: 134.05 hrs)  
 BGAK030  Ron Jorgensen    38.80 hrs (Alaska Div)
  (career total: 95.30 hrs)
BGAK031  Ralph Prisel    62.34 hrs (Alaska Div)
  (career total: 248.15 hrs)


BGAS006   Bill Agee  2.11 hrs
BGAS 031  Gary McCarty  2.49



2. Two pilots were advanced to Captain status: Brent Brazeel (BGAK028) and Patrick Daley

3.  Three pilots were  transferred to the inactive roster: Geoff Shaw (BGAK003), Jeff Ouimet
BGAK024 and Paul Nelson BGAK032.

Coleman Green

Australia Division Report

The Australia Division was the host for the race.  Over 3,000 hours were flown.


We welcome new pilots  bgad017 John Lawler, bgad018 Roland Malham, bgad019 Terry Murphy, bgad020 Phoebe Cameron, bgad021 Warren J Wilkes, bgad022 Gayngel van den Ing,  bgad023 Luis Ortiz and bgad024 Peter Waldron


Australian Division Pilots flew 402.93 hours.   Visiting Bluegrass Pilots flew 813.68 hours (mostly in the race).  For a total of 1216.61 hours flown by Bluegrass pilots. 


The position of Division Director (or Australian Hub Captain if we roll it back into another Division) is still  open.



Southern Division Report


We welcome new pilots bgas029 Teun Langeveld, bgas030 Tim Pinkawa, bgas031 Gary McCarty, bgas032 Rocky Wallace, bgas033 Sandi Koprivec, bgas34 Gerald Montgomery and bgas035 Harold Stambaugh..


Southern Division pilots flew 622.40 hours in March.




Air Mail Division and  Turbo Division Report


Not a whole lot to report for March due to the race, we had 5.77 hrs  so far for the Turbo Div., there may have been some that I didn't get due to my computer loss. The hours above are all I have since I installed my new computer. If anyone knows of their hours that I don't have they can email me the info and I'll post them.

On another note, I would like to say thank you Bill for the great job you did with the race! Since you have taken over as C.E.O. BGA has grown much more than I ever imagined, it is a far cry from what we started with, thank you for that also.

   I would like to remind everyone to pray for our brave troops overseas.

        Take care my friend, God bless......................................................Joe


From the C.E.O.


Where do I start?  March was a very busy month!  


The Great Aussie Air Race of 2003 consumed every free moment (and some my employer paid me for) that I had.  If ever there was a case for an automated pirep system that requires no interaction from the airline management this was it.


The web-site had 10,022 visitors and close to 200,000 hits (page or image loads). Fortunately the race was a BYOA (Bring your own aircraft) event or we might have had a problem exceeding our thru-put allowance.   You can check the stats yourself at:  I particularly check out the top 30 referrers to see where our traffic is coming from, and the breakdown of the top 30 nations that the visitors came from.


One hundred and eighteen pilots registered and 61 have finished with 8 more still enroute.   Over 3,000 hours of flying in the race.


We picked up some new pilots because of the race, details are in the division reports.  Bluegrass Airlines continues to grow.


Bluegrass Pilots flew a total of 1,610.48 hours in March!   Check out the main roster for details.


I could use some help in the management side of things.  Anyone who can maintain a web-page is welcome to apply.  Currently the Australian Division,  Caribbean Hub, South East Hub, and Southern Divisions are open for new leadership, or perhaps you have an idea for a new hub or division.  You could also come up with an idea for a monthly feature.


All flight reports now are copied to me, and I am maintaining a  Pireps page where everyone can see all the pireps, and the pireps with comments for all flights.   This information will also be used to update the main roster every month.  That will eliminate any inaccuracies that have arisen in the past because of pilots flying in one month and reporting the flights in the next month.  Beginning April 1st the monthly hours added to the main roster will be for hours reported in April, regardless of when they were flown. 


For those who missed it the first time around here is my tutorial for screen shots.  (we received over 100 for the race alone)


Reprinted from the November 2002 Newsletter:  Modified with some new stuff I have learned since.


Have you checked out the Screen Shots?  Better yet why not contribute once in a while?  I am often asked for instructions on how to take screen shots, so here is my quick and dirty tutorial:


  1. Usually I use the spot view and zoom out a bit so that I can frame the aircraft in the midst of some spectacular scenery.  Lighting is important too.  Usually you want the sun to be shining at the plane (although some beautiful shots show a sunset or sunrise).
  2. To snap the picture press the Print Screen Key (next to F12)  (this puts one picture in the Copy/Paste Buffer)
  3. If you don’t want to add a caption skip to step 8
  4. Click Start…Programs…..Accessories……Paint  to run Paint
  5. Click Edit ….Paste to put your picture in paint.  
  6. Using the Text Box and a contrasting color, Enter a description you want the viewer to see.  (use a larger font 14 or more as you will reduce the picture size in an upcoming step)
  7. Save the picture using a a file name as per in instruction 11. Remember what folder you saved it in.
  8. Run irfanview (a free download from
  9. If you skipped steps 4-6  click Edit Paste to put your picture in irfanview.
  10. Open the picture.  Reduce the size  I usually use 680 x 480
  11. Save the picture as a jpg file  (I use 50% quality)   These steps reduce the file size.  The file name should be in this format  YMMDD_short_description_pilots id.   For example: 30401_crashed_at_KLEX_bgas001   By putting the date in this format I can sort the screenshots so the newest one is always on top.. 
  12. Email the picture to  make the subject line  Screen Shot (that way it goes into a special folder)

Please don’t send me a .bmp file  I don’t want to tie up my computer reading a large file if I should happen to                                 check my email while at work.


The following is a reprint from the October 2002 Newsletter:


To avoid the spread of viruses here is a tip I picked up from a New Zealand web-site.

Put a contact in your email list with the name  !0000    and no email address.

It will always be sorted to the top of the list and any virus that tries to email everyone on your list will be stopped with a “no address error”


To avoid getting a virus in the first place, we should all have a virus checker with up to date definitions.  Norton works for me, but there is also a free one at


I got Norton Anti-Virus 2003 free also.  I bought TaxCut to do my taxes and it has a rebate for Norton A.V. (only good if you have a proof of purchase from a previous Norton A.V.)  By the time I left Staples I had a bunch of free software (after rebates) plus the Tax Cut had coupons inside that will save me some $$ at pep-boys etc. 


Another free program at  helps you control the junk mail situation.


There isn’t a feature of the month yet, unless its me sitting in my recliner and watching Gene Autry on the Western Channel.


I second Capt. Joes’s request that we all pray for the troops.  I’m also praying for the innocent citizens of Iraq.

I heard that a military chaplain said that the troops have asked for prayer for the courage and strength to do their job to the best of their ability and to protect their buddies.


Capt. Bill


P.S. Don’t forget to check out the  new pireps page,  screenshots and the pilots forum.



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